The Shipping Rules List page allows you to manage, view, and filter your shipping rules. These rules determine how shipping rates are applied based on specific conditions. Below is a guide to navigate and use the features on this page:
Search and Filters
Search Bar: Use the search bar at the top to quickly locate shipping rules by name.
Click Add Filter to filter the shipping rules based on their Status (Active or Disabled).
Sort Options
Purpose: Sort the shipping rules using the dropdown menu.
Name ASC: Sort rules alphabetically in ascending order.
Name DESC: Sort rules alphabetically in descending order.
Newest Created: Display the most recently created rules first.
Oldest Created: Display the oldest rules first.
Shipping Rule Actions
Select one or multiple shipping rules by checking their respective checkboxes.
Use the Enable, Disable, or Delete buttons at the bottom of the page to perform bulk actions on the selected rules.
Click the Name of a specific rule to open the editing page for that rule.
Creating a New Shipping Rule
Click the New Shipping Rule button at the top-right corner to add a new rule. This will redirect you to the New Shipping Rule creation page.